How long do I need a Dj for at my wedding?
3 Hours, 5 hours or more?
A common question I get when booking new couples is “how long do I need a DJ for?”. From my experiences DJing at Hunter Valley, Sydney and Southern Highlands weddings it depends on TWO things;
1/ What you want!
2/ the time that the venue is open for business.
Most weddings follow the EXACT same recipe.
Ceremony + Canapes/drinks + Reception.
A ceremony will last anywhere from 30-90mins depending on the length of formalities and when guests arrived. (I always like to make sure music is playing before the first guest arrives, this helps to set the mood and tone for an amazing day ahead. Silence is a MOOD killer!)
If your event has time for Canapes, they will usually go for 1 or 2 hours, and having music for this period of time is crucial. It sets the scene for the guests as they mingle and enjoy a few drinks!
Next, is the Reception. This typically goes 5 hours, however, the reception can also go for 6 hours at some venues, obviously, music is important here because if you want a good celebration you need an experienced Musician, Band or DJ who can read the room and get everyone partying.
So before you book your DJ or musician for your Hunter Valley wedding or Sydney wedding, be sure to think about what sort of vibe you want for your guests and for yourselves on your wedding day!
Feel free to reach out if you have any wedding questions!